Issue |
Title |
Vol 23, No 10 (2024) |
green extraction of bioactive molecules from vegetables and fish industry by-products |
Giovanna Ficano, Gerardina Galdi, Francesco De Sio, Mariateresa Rapacciuolo, Luca Sandei, Domenico Cacace |
Vol 10, No 1 (2011) |
ngstr m turbidity in the lower layers of the troposphere |
Sabina Stefan, Laura Mihai, Doina Nicolae, Andreea Boscornea |
Vol 7, No 1 (2008) |
waste not, want not a study of household attitude toward recycling of solid wastes |
Abdelnaser Omran, Adam D. Read |
Vol 13, No 3 (2014) |
1,2-dichlorobenzene oxidation using individual and combined effects of ozone and ultraviolet irradiation: chemical abatement and impact on water toxicity |
Bertrand Sancey, Corina Bradu, Gr gorio Crini |
Vol 15, No 10 (2016) |
17.-estradiol degrading bacteria in sequencing batch reactors for swine wastewater treatment |
Meixue Chen, Hui Fang, Rong Qi, Shuaixiong He, Yuansong Wei |
Vol 16, No 9 (2017) |
3-d real dam reservoir model for seasonal thermal density flow |
Fatih Unes, Hakan Varcin |
Vol 10, No 8 (2011) |
4-bar geared linkage used for photovoltaic azimuth orientation |
Nora Creanga, Ioana Hermenean, Dorin Diaconescu |
Vol 11, No 12 (2012) |
A bayesian approach for the assessment of risk probability. case study for digital risk probability |
Elena Nechita, Carmen-Violeta Muraru, Mihai Talmaciu |
Vol 23, No 7 (2024) |
A bayesian network model for assessing urban traffic impact on air pollution using triangular fuzzy numbers |
Dongsheng Qin, Zidan Shan |
Vol 19, No 1 (2020) |
A biochar-based point-of-use water treatment system for the removal of fluoride, chromium and brilliant blue dye in ternary systems |
Matthew Maya, Willis Gwenzi, Nhamo Chaukura |
Vol 17, No 7 (2018) |
A brief review on recent advances in air-cathode microbial fuel cells |
Pritha Chatterjee, Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar, Donal Leech |
Vol 11, No 9 (2012) |
A case study of eco-building for wetlands future development |
Dorina Isopescu, Calin Corduban, Dan Badarau |
Vol 18, No 10 (2019) |
A case study of indoor air quality in a classroom by comparing passive and continuous monitoring |
Patrizia Aversa, Gaetano Settimo, Marco Gorgoglione, Emanuela Bucci, Giorgio Padula, Alessandra De Marco |
Vol 9, No 1 (2010) |
A case study of industrial water polluted with chromium (vi) and its impact to river recipient in western serbia |
Mirjana Cvijovic, Predrag Djurdjevic, Slavica Cvetkovic, Igor Cretescu |
Vol 11, No 12 (2012) |
A case study on heavy rainfall in the central-southern moldavia region, romania |
Maria Vasilica, Doina Capsa, Irina Covaci, Valentin Nedeff, Narcis B rsan, Mirela Panainte |
Vol 21, No 1 (2022) |
A case study on the efficacy of oil contaminants biological remediation using scenedesmus obliquus algae |
Navid Ahmadi, Mozhgan Ahmadi Nadoushan, Mohammad Hadi Abolhasani, Abbas Hosseini |
Vol 22, No 12 (2023) |
A case study on the implementation of a technological ergonomic design in oil and gas facilities |
Miloud Matib, Brahim Bouhadiba, Zoubida Lounis |
Vol 5, No 6 (2006) |
A clean method of uranium extraction decontamination |
Marian Raileanu, Nicolae Sulitanu, Gheorghe Nemtoi |
Vol 3, No 3 (2004) |
A clean procedure on the chemical leaching of uranium ores in the presence of oxidizing agents |
Marian Raileanu, Rodica Calmoi, Catinca Simion, Elena Rogojina, Alexandru Cecal, Karin Popa |
Vol 12, No 6 (2013) |
A clear sky irradiation assessment using the esra model and srtm database |
Ciprian Nemes, Marcel Istrate |
Vol 15, No 3 (2016) |
A combined method for the analysis and assessment of risks and industrial safety |
Daniel-Catalin Felegeanu, Gigel Paraschiv, Mirela Panainte-Lehadus, Mircea Horubet, Mihai Belciu, Mihai Radu, Ovidiu Leonard Turcu |
Vol 18, No 9 (2019) |
A comparative assessment of domestic water quality in rural communities of southeast nigeria |
Oliver O. Odikamnoro, Charles N. Ezugwu, Chukwunonye Ezeah, Okechukwu G. Omunakwe, Florin-Constantin Mihai |
Vol 17, No 8 (2018) |
A comparative computational intelligence approach for heat transfer analysis of corrugated plate heat exchangers |
Bayram Kilic, Osman Ipek, Arzu Sencan Sahin |
Vol 11, No 8 (2012) |
A comparative study of electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation processes applied for wastewater treatment |
Laura Zaleschi, Carmen Teodosiu, Igor Cretescu, Manuel Andres Rodrigo |
Vol 23, No 6 (2024) |
A comparative study of the sebal algorithm and swap model for evapotranspiration rate estimation in qazvin province, iran |
Mahsa Hojabri, Majid Vazifedoust, Afshin Ashrafzadeh |
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